Sciatica Pain Treatment

Treatment for Sciatica Pain at AVN Arogya

In Sciatica, pain is the main symptom, it is usually seen in the low back and may radiate to the buttocks and one or both the legs along the course of the sciatic nerve which passes through the back of the legs. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in our body it starts at the back of the pelvis and runs downward through the hip area and buttocks into each leg. Sciatica pain along the sciatic nerve it usually results from compression of nerve roots in the lower back.

Sciatica is a diverse range of symptoms, such as numbness from the lower back to the feet, radiating leg pain, or difficulty in controlling the leg. It is often caused by compression of any of the five nerve roots that combine to make up the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis for what is irritating the root of the sciatic nerve, causing pain. The lower back, legs, feet and buttocks may all be affected.

Common symptom of sciatica is posterior thigh, lower leg or foot pain that can be much worse than the accompanying lower back pain. Sciatic nerve is formed by the nerve roots emanating from the spinal cord and extending into the lower back region. Branches of the sciatic nerve extend through the buttocks and down the back of each leg to the ankle and foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the body, it is as thick as one of your fingers.

There are now different types of treatments for an injured sciatic nerve, such as laser surgery, physical therapy and chiropractic manual manipulation. Alternative treatments for sciatic pain that may be helpful include practicing appropriate yoga postures, acupressure, trigger point therapy, ayurvedic medicine and diet improvement.

In Ayurvedic Therapy, there are many medicines both internally and externally that help to reduce the compression as well as irritation of the nerves. Internal medicines help to correct digestion problems like constipation, gas trouble, gastritis which otherwise can increase the pain. Certain laxatives are given which help to reduce the interstitial fluid collected around areas of disc bulge, thereby reducing nerve irritation. AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Hospital provides ayurvedic treatment for sciatica pain at natural environment and you can get treatment for the pain at our clinics also. We also handle severe cases at day care centre of avn hospital. Our ayurvedic treatment is very safe and effective treatment.
